We have been made aware that some clients have been receiving fraudulent emails purportedly from our patent and trade mark attorney, Mark Teoh, at “Patent Registry Hub” in relation to the filing of trade marks. Such emails are unauthorised and have no affiliation with Mark Teoh or Laminar IP.
If you receive any such emails or other unexpected emails, please take a moment to verify it with a team member at Laminar IP before providing your information or actioning any request. It has been reported that such fraudulent email scams are currently affecting other patent/trade mark attorneys in the industry.
This matter has been referred to IP Australia and relevant authorities for further investigation.
A statement from IP Australia:
IP Australia became aware of a scam that is currently circulating, where applicants are pressured into filing a trade mark via emails fraudulently purporting to be from a well-known registered attorney.
IP Australia, 10 December 2024
We encourage you to be alert to this risk and consider advising your clients to verify any unexpected correspondence with you.
Stay cybersafe and we wish you all a very Merry Christmas!